Festivals & Awards

Our cast has been nominated for 5 international black & diversity film festival awards

SHAWN WOODWARD – WINNER – Best Black Actress – International

AARON BRAXTON – Best Black Actor


GARRET DAVIS – Best Supporting Black Actor

GARRET DAVIS – Best Supporting Actor International

Bobby Crear accepting Best Narrative Award in Las Vegas.
Best Narrative & Rising Star Awards from Las Vegas
Directors Guild of America Sistas are Doing it for Themselves Film Festival
Pat Battistini clowning with Bentley Lewis outside Directors Guild of America on Sunday, May 21st for the screening of our film The Dragonfly Tale.
Step & Repeat at North Carolina Black Film Festival in Wilmington May 18th through the 21st. From left to right; Felix Herring, Lorey Hayes, Robinson sisters
Poster from Standing Room Only Sistas Film Festival in Los Angeles at Directors Guild
Cast & Crew Team at the Las Vegas Black Film Festival
Bentley Lewis with Shawn Woodward in Las Vegas
Bentley Lewis with Shawn Woodward in Las Vegas
Lorey Hayes and Bobby Crear with Bently Lewis and Max Fletcher at the Las Vegas Film Festival.
Lorey Hayes and Bobby Crear with Bentley Lewis and Max Fletcher at the Las Vegas Black Film Festival
Lorey Hayes & Bobby Crear on the Orange Carpet for the Las-Vegas Black Film Festival
Bentley Lewis with the Rising Star Award from the Las Vegas Black Film Festival
Bentley Lewis with the Rising Star Award from the Las Vegas Black Film Festival
Sistas Are Doing It For Themselves Film Festival LA DGA Shawn Woodward, Bobby Crear & Lynne Connor
Lynne Conner in Gold pants represents the film
Dragonfly cast gets together after the DGA event
The Dragonfly Tale on the Big Screen
The Dragonfly Tale on the Big Screen
Sistas image on the Big Screen at the DGA
Sistas image on the Big Screen at the DGA